Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Corrupted Toolbar in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)

I somehow corrupted the toolbar in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) the other day:

This is what it looked like
when I selected Edit, and selected File:

At first it was annoying. When I thought about it a little longer, I realized, Wow! Think how productive I could be using this toolbar!

But figured I better fix it. I found this site:

Which had the following info:
I think I found a fix. The fix is:
1) Open Regedit
2) Go to the key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\ShellSEM\Menus
3) Export the key to the Desktop for easy access
4) There are some entries that end in ,1000,1 Try deleting one at a time until the dupe menus disapear
5) Restore the menus.reg export you made after each failed attempt to get the dupes to disappear
6) At some point, they will disapear
Obviously the better fix would be for MS to fix the buggy software or at least explain which key should be deleted.
Posted by Rogue1 on 8/4/2008 at 2:23 PM
Interestingly, I found that this works:
1) Open Regedit
2) Go to the key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\ShellSEM\Menus
3) Export the key to the Desktop for easy access
4) Delete any one entry that ends in ,1000,1
5) Open MS SSMSE and check to make sure the dupes are gone
6) Merge the saved reg file back into the registry
7) Open MS SSMSE and check to make sure the dupes are gone

Interestingly, the dupes appear to have disapeared without really getting rid of any of the entries.
Posted by Rogue1 on 8/4/2008 at 2:33 PM
And here is the key to fix for VS 9 Web Dev Express:
Same process as above.
Posted by Rogue1 on 8/6/2008 at 7:21 PM

So I got into Regedit ( by searching for Regedit in the search field of start -> all programs )

The directions gave the path as:
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\ShellSEM\Menus

But this was the actual directory name:
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Shell\Menus

I didn’t have the nerve to delete entries from the registry. After all this was my first time here.


- Compared registry listing with listing on my xp. Were the same. Nothing extra on vista.

- Still followed directions to export the listing to desktop ( rc on Menus in directory, choose export ) just in case

- renamed (not deleted) all entries that ending in ,1000,1

- tried to start up ssms ( wouldn’t start)

- changed name of registries back to original

It worked !!!