Whoa! Jon Skeet answered a question of mine on StackOverflow this week! I am honored.
The question was:
In C# what is the difference between ToUpper() and ToUpperInvariant()? And the answer was, in a nutshell, "Unless you are programming in Turkish, no difference."
What brought me to ask that question started with a need to always reformat user input for first and last name with
Initial Letter Case: first letter capitalized, rest lower case. (I know, I know, this is not all last names follow this convention, but hey, I didn't define the user requirements.) (In word I use Shift-F3 all the time.)
So I went looking in intellisense for a string method called InitialLetterCase(). After all, there are string methods ToUpper() and ToLower().
There was no InitialLetterCase() method, but I found ToUpperInvariant(). What did that do? I did a google search but the first few hits didn't seem to answer the question.
So thank you, Jon Skeet and StackOverflow, for the answer.
FYI, the solution to my request is a simple
tbFirstName.Text =
CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(tbFirstName.Text); :