Monday, May 17, 2010

tsql INSERT INTO for bulk copy of records from SqlServer table to table

I have been using tsql

Select * into Tbl2 from Tbl1 where FName = 'David'

for a long time, as a shortcut to create new table Tbl2, a copy of Tbl1 including schema and data.

I'm glad I finally found out about :

Insert into Tbl2 ( LastName , FirstName , AdmitDate) select Last, First, RevDate from Tbl1 where FName = 'David'

to use when Tbl2 is already in existence.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Calling all Technical Women in Technology for...

What we have all been waiting for ...

A NJ Technical Women in Technology

Register Now ->

Recommended Audiences: IT Professionals, Administrators, Developers, Architects

Are you a Technical Women in Technology?

Are you tired of always being surrounded by technical males that don't ____ (fill in the blank)?

Are you tired of trying to explain your technical issues to other women that just don't get it?

Are you looking to connect with other women with common interests?

Then, you may be interested in helping to form a Technical Women in Technology Group...

Refreshments: Appetizers & Water/Soda

Sponsors: Microsoft / SetFocus


To allow NJ Technical Women in Technology to meet and to discuss a future direction for a group

Event Updates: updates



Attendee Introductions

Panel Discussion (2-3 women sharing their experiences as a Technical Women in Technology

Future Direction Discussion - In-Person and/or Virtual meetings, frequency, meeting content, etc.

For Additional Information about how you can help kick start this community, please email melissa[@]